Will we trust that God is good even when life is not?
When we start going through some very real trials, we questioned why God would allow it. But hold on to the Rock.
Our response to pain and challenges determines so much about our future. It’s easy when every thing in your life is running according to your plans and your ideas. Just hold on to the ROCK.
When life hits you hard. Hold on to the ROCK, Your business go bankrupt, you loose everything you work for or when you or a family member go through life threatening diseases. Hold on to the ROCK. When you or a family member sit without an income. Hold on to the ROCK.
With Jesus in your boat, the storms may still rock you, but you won’t sink, because you hold on to the Rock.Not only is He with you, He’s for you.
Pray: Heavenly Father, I trust You with what I’ll start and stop. I trust You with where I’ll stay and go. I trust You enough to give my life to serve and connect to people. And I trust You are present with purpose in the midst of my life’s storms. Thank You for being with me, guiding my steps, and giving me divine direction. Amen
The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.
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